Rise is Your Golden Ticket to Social Commerce Success
Rise Interactive is an expert in all things digital marketing, including social commerce. As one of today’s hottest tools for the consumer shopping experience, we’re sharing our best tips to make the most out of this eCommerce innovation. We’ve compiled Rise’s Four Pillars of Social Commerce Success to help you maximize your brand’s revenue with strategic in-platform purchasing functionalities. Keep reading to learn what makes a successful social commerce campaign during peak seasons and all year long!
Granular Audience Exclusion
Strategy Drives Revenue at Scale
When it comes to retailers with frequent product drops and expansive inventory, exclusion is actually a good thing. Our social commerce work with ColourPop drove revenue at scale by building a granular audience exclusion strategy that created distinct visibility between remarketing and prospecting tactics for all of their products.
Audience Targeting Solutions
without Third-Party Cookies
Rise is here to help you get ahead with a privacy-first and audience centric approach to exceeding your digital marketing goals, without cookies. We’re sharing how to reach the right consumers with updated tools, in the language consumers currently speak. We’ll even give you answers to your most burning questions, using a cheat sheet and more.
How to Use Augmented Reality
in Social Media Marketing
Augmented reality (AR) is a rapidly-growing technology that's taking social commerce to new heights. Find out how to use this tech in your digital marketing campaigns, and what AR tech leading social media platforms offer.
Audiences & Ad Types for
Boosting Snapchat Sales
Snapchat has unique audiences and advertising capabilities that go well beyond assumptions, making it the perfect platform to effectively expand your social media plan and results. Learn how Rise tripled this brand’s return with a Snapchat refresh.
Driving Revenue with Snapchat's
Shoppable AR Lens
One great thing about social commerce is how easy it makes the shopping experience for consumers. Our work with Ulta Beauty and Snapchat proved that leveraging the right AR tools make it easy on marketers too!
Authentically Reach Target
Audiences with TikTok Creators
Shoppers want to spend their money on products they trust, and they trust creators more than anyone else. Learn how Rise successfully used influencer marketing in this medical provider's TikTok strategy.
Cross-Channel Insights,
All In One Place
Our proprietary media optimization platform, Connex®, equips digital marketers with real-time, granular data and performance insights— no matter the platform. Learn how Connex® is breaking down silos and revolutionizing marketing measurement.
The Metrics of Success: Measurement
Frameworks for Influencer Marketing
Watching a creator authentically showcase your brand never gets old! But how do you connect that moment of digital marketing euphoria with performance KPIs? Here's how to justify your spend on influencer marketing while maximizing your return.
Rise’s Four Pillars of Social Commerce Success
We’re sharing Rise’s Four Pillars of Social Commerce Success to help you maximize your brand’s revenue on social media with an audience-first, in-platform approach. Find out how to use our award-winning expertise to future-proof your brand’s social media strategy.
Download today and learn about the pillars you need to build a successful social commerce campaign!