Rise's Four Pillars of Social Commerce Success

Social commerce brings the consumer shopping experience to a place where consumers already spend their time, on social media. Brands need to future-proof their social commerce approach to effectively connect with consumers in a rapidly changing digital world. In this eBook, we’ve compiled Rise’s Four Pillars of Social Commerce Success:

1. Audience Diversification

2. Platform Playbook

3. Personalized Creative & Messaging

4. Insightful Measurement

Download today and learn what you need to build a successful social commerce campaign! 

About Rise

Rise, a Quad agency, is a full-service, omnichannel media agency that provides strategic solutions for brands to valuably connect with their audiences.

Specializing in media, customer experience, and analytics, Rise helps clients seamlessly navigate both brand and demand, driving consumer connections and tying all media to a direct business outcome. Powered by approximately 500 people who globally support over $1 billion in media, Rise serves brands across all industries including retail, direct-to-consumer, consumer packaged goods, healthcare, and financial services.

As part of Quad, a global marketing experience company, Rise leverages a proprietary tech and data stack that provides brands with a telescopic view into the media touchpoints that change behavior and can transparently optimize their marketing spend to drive business growth.