Minute with a Marketer: Atkins’ Director of Digital Marketing
We’re kicking off 2017’s Minute with a Marketer series with the director of digital marketing for Atkins Nutritionals, Inc., Nicole Thompson. Nicole shares how the leading low-carb lifestyle brand is gearing up for 2017 and its goals for the new year.
Please share a bit about your role and your company.
I am the director of digital marketing at Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. and oversee all of our digital efforts including website development, SEO, digital media, electronic customer relationship management (eCRM), and social media. Atkins is the leading low-carb program for consumers looking to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Our extensive portfolio of products provides convenient, low-carb solutions to help the body burn more fat and work more efficiently, while staying satisfied and energetic.
What are your marketing goals for 2017?
Our marketing goals for 2017 are two-fold. We want to continue driving top of funnel traffic into the Atkins brand, while keeping our members engaged with the program through improved remarketing and eCRM efforts. We also want to drive sales at the end of the day, so expanding our product availability in new channels and launching a scalable e-commerce strategy will be critical to our success.
What do you think is the biggest challenge marketers currently face?
Standing out in such a cluttered space. It’s getting harder and therefore more expensive to break through the noise and compete in the digital world.
What do you think is the biggest area of opportunity for today’s marketers?
We must get more personalized with our content and smarter about how we communicate with our expanding audiences.
Is there one thing you are most proud to have accomplished in 2016?
Delivering a 23% lift in new buyers. The key drivers of our success were rolling out our very first e-commerce campaigns and getting better at testing and optimizing across our digital media channels with Rise.
What was the best piece of business advice you ever received?
You’ll achieve 100% failure with 0% effort.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
A rock star, doesn’t everyone?!